Charles Baker is born.


Jenis Baker starts as a pharmacist.


Early Summer Lady Samantha of Turain had a talk with Janis Baker, and she knew how to do it safe.

Midsummer Out of harms way, the all go to Gorge Castle, where Lady Maritha recives medical care from Jenis Mayson.

Late Summer When Lady Maritha of Turain recovered from her wound, she spends the rest of the summer with her sister, Lady Samantha of Turain, and Sir Benjamin and Leonard of Malbourgh.

Though, Sir Peter of Turain is still supposed to guard over the couples, he have fallen in love with Hayley Locky, so he failed his durty.

Sills Mayson and Janis Baker is guarding them too, and that keeps them apart throgh the night.


Early Spring As bodyguards they to Malbourgh bring Ruddy Locky and Sills Mayson, whom have his fiancee, Janis Baker with him.

Janis Baker secretly provides Lady Samantha of Turain with preventive potion, to prevent anything to happen, when she use Ruddy Locky as her carpet knight.

Late Spring Sir Ethan of Turain unexspectably arrives at Malbourgh Castle with the Turainian twins together with their crew: Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud, Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Locky, and their bodyguard Ruddy Locky and Sills Mayson, whom have his fiancee, Janis Baker, and demands a place to stay until the wedding.

Sir Benjamin and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh have Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha installed in two interconnecting suites, each with a room for the guards at The Crowned Liom.

Lady Maritha has Sills Mayson and Jenis Baker as guard and Lady Samantha has Ruddy Locky as guard.

Midsummer When the rumour of the early arrival of the Turainian twins to Malbourgh, their family start to arrive at Malbourgh too.

The uncle and aunt of the twins, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon arrive with their cousins Sir Thomas of Wondon and Lady Stefanie with her fiancee David Smith, who is their bodyguard too, and the other oncle and aunt of the twins, Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric with their Children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern, arrive together, as the Guttrician had traveled throgh Wondon and Grossbourgh to bypass the mountains of Lewinton with their bodyguard, Abe Walden.

Each family gets their own suite at The Crowmed Lion.

At the pub of the theatre Sir Benjamin of Lewinton is engaged in kissing his future wife, Lady Maritha of Turain, who's guarded by her bodyguard, Sills Mayson and his girlfriend, Jenis Baker.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain are entertaining Sir William, Lady Marisa, Sir Thomas, Lady Stefanie and David Smith of Wondon, and Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson, Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

At The Crowed Lion, the morning of The Midsummer Concert, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh embraises Lady Maritha of Turain and kissing her good morning.

While Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain are cuddling together guarded by Sills Mayson and Jenis Baker, Kari Bellerby diffuses down to the forge.

On the day of the Midsummer Concert, at an other table for the brides, Lady Maritha and Samantha of Turain with their uncle and aunt, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain, and their brother Sir Peter of Turain with his girlfriend Hayley Locky, and their Guards, Sills Mayson, Jenis Baker and Ruddy Lock.

The father of Niel Hauck, Roger Hauck, will be serving this table.

After supper, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden enters the stage, and start play music.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh hugs Moira Liebermann an and goes to the other table to see, if Lady Maritha of Turain likes to dance with him.

Lady Maritha of Turain loves to dance with Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, and he excords her to the dance floor, and they start dancing with each other.

Sills Mayson follows his lady to the dance floor, and his girlfriend, Jenis Baker, follows him. At the dance floor, Jenis Baker kisses Sills Mayson, and starts dancing with him, too.

Bettina Hauck annonces a small break in the show, and the audience returns to their seats.

At the break, Moira Liebermann hugs Sir Benjamin of Lewinton and leaves her seat to Lady Maritha of Turain, so he can sit next to Lady Maritha of Turain. Silas Combler leaves his place to her guard, Sills Mayson, and leaves together with Moira Liebermann. Conrad Combler leaves his place to Jenis Baker, and moves to her old place, at the other table.

When Sir Gareth of Lewinton start dancing, Sills Mayson, Jenis Baker, Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Ethan of Turain, Sharon Turain, Sir William, Lady Marisa of Wondon, Lady Stefanie of Wondon, David Smith, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Lady Maritha of Turain, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain, Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky quikly start dancing together.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh giggly goes dancing and cuddling with Kari Bellerby.

Slim Bellerby goes to Conrad Combler and asks him to dance.

Charles Riggs leaves the children's table approaching the table of Etta Combler, to asks her to dance with him, but Chantelle Wood siftly blocks his away, and Etta Combler excapes to the table of Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and starts dancing with him.

Hence, Charles Riggs takes Chantelle Wood out for dancing.

Next morning, Sir Ethan of Turain wakes up Sills Mayson and Jenis Baker sleeping after last night at the guard room, before he wakes up his niece, Lady Maritha of Turain.

When Lady Maritha of Turain has got dressed, Sir Ethan of Turain and his niece continue to her sister's suite, where they finds Ruddy Locky at the guard room.


Midsummer, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain arrive at Wondon with their Children Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Locky, and their bodyguards Sills Mayson and Janis Baker.

The Turainians make a short stop at The Lamp at Templeton Before continuing to Wondon Castle.


Sills Mayson marries Jenis Baker.


Jenis Mayson gives birth to Duncan Mayson.


Jenis Mayson drowns.